A landscape of myths and ruins.
Rockingham is a series of projects based on the land formerly known as the Rockingham Estate around Lough Key in the west of Ireland. The first of these projects, Monuments of Fiction (2012 — ongoing), is essentially a composition of salvaged fragments from the farm of my late grandparents located on the former estate. The work is presented as an installation and a video essay and uses as its foundation a sculptural work by my late grandfather, Pat Flanagan — itself a work of salvaged fragments — to compose an elegy to him as the central figure within a landscape of myths and ruins. More recent Rockingham projects, including Constellation (2014) have used salvaged ruin stones to create publicly positioned arrangements that map spiritually significant sites in the area. The Rockingham projects are an attempt to make sense of the entanglements of personal and social histories and mythologies in a landscape of spirituality and artifice.
Monuments of Fiction (2012 — ongoing) 18 mins
Oakwood (2012) 1 mins (looped)
Window, (2012/13), single channel video (with audio), 2 minutes 26 seconds